41. | aidel | ['aɪdəl] (müßig, untätig, leer, nichtig) destitute, void, devoid; vain, useless, idle; idle, unemployed =OE ídel |
42. | aiðer | ['aɪðɐ] (aiðres) either =OE ǽgþer |
43. | Ail | [aɪl] (Ailes) (Igel) hedgehog =OE íl |
44. | Ailand | ['aɪlant] (Ailandes, Ailand) (Insel, Eiland) island, isle =OE íland, ígland |
45. | Ais | [aɪs] (Aises, Ais) (Eis) ice =OE ís |
46. | Aisen | ['aɪzən] (Aisenes, Aisene) (Eisen) iron =OE ísen |
47. | Aiwait | ['aɪwaɪt] (Aiwaites) (Eiweiß) egg white, albumen; protein =OE æges hwít |
48. | aiwäär | ['aɪwɛːɐ] (überall) everywhere =ǽghwǽr |
49. | ak | [ak] (coord.) (aber) but =OE ac |
50. | Akademai | [akade'maɪ] (Akademaie) (Akademie) academy =C17 DE Academey |
51. | akademisch | [aka'deːmɪʃ] (akademisch) academic =DE akademisch |
52. | Akcent | ['aktʃɛnt] (Akcentes) (Akzent) accent; stress; emphasis, stress =OE accent |
53. | aken | ['aːkən] (akþ, uuk, jeaken; +dative) (wehtun, schmerzen) to hurt, ache, be sore, pain =OE acan |
54. | Aker | ['aːkɐ] (Akeres) (Acker) field, sown land; acre =OE æcer |
55. | Akern | ['aːkɛɐn] (Akernes, Akerne) (Eichel) acorn; glans; (cards) clubs =OE æcern |
56. | Aktioon | [ak'tsioːn] (Aktione) (Aktion) action =DE Aktion |
57. | Aktivist | [akti'vɪst] (Aktivisten; Aktivisten, Aktivistenne) (Aktivist) activist =DE Aktivist |
58. | Aktiviteð | [aktivi'tɛθ] (Aktiviteðe) (Aktivität) activity =DE Aktivität, -teð |
59. | Alarm | [a'laɐm] (Alarmes) (Alarm) alarm =DE Alarm |
60. | Album | ['albʊm] (Albumes, Alben) (Album) album =DE Album |