1. | L | [ɛl] |
2. | Lachregel | ['laxʁeːɡəl] (Lachregeles) (Polizei) police =Lage + Regel, calque IS lögregla |
3. | Lachregelmann | ['laxʁeːɡəlman] (Lachregelmannes, Lachregelmenn; Lachregelkwene, Lachregelkwenen) (Polizist(in)) policeman, police officer See also: Mann =Lachregel + Mann, calque IS lögreglumaður |
4. | lachterbäär | ['laxtɐbɛːɐ] (lachterbäres) (lustig) funny, amusing =OE hleahtorbǽre |
5. | laden | ['laːdən] (lat, luud, jeladen) (laden, schöpfen) to load, lade; to draw, scoop, lade, ladle, bale =OE hladan |
6. | Lage | ['laːɡə] (Lage) (Gesetz) law =OE lagu |
7. | Lai | [laɪ] (Laies) (Flamme) flame =OE líg |
8. | Laiçh | [laɪtʃ] (Laiçhes, Laiçh) (Leiche) corpse, body =OE líc |
9. | Laið | [laɪθ] (Laiðes, Laið) strong drink =OE líþ |
10. | Laiet | ['laɪət] (Laietes, Laiete) (Blitz) lightning =OE líget |
11. | Laif | [laɪf] (Laives, Laif) (Leben) life =OE líf |
12. | Laifkoyð | ['laɪfkɔʏθ] (Laifkoyðe) (Biologie) biology =Laif + -koyð, calque IS líffræði |
13. | Laikhame | ['laɪkhaːmə] (Laikhamen) (Körper, Leib, Leichnam) body =OE líchama |
14. | laikhamliçh | ['laɪkhamlɪtʃ] (körperlich) bodily, physical, corporeal =OE líchamlíc |
15. | Laine | ['laɪnə] (Lainen) (Leine, Linie) line, rope, lead, leash =OE líne |
16. | Laise | ['laɪzə] (Laisen) (Ruhm, Ruf) fame, reputation, repute, glory =OE hlísa |
17. | Laiste | ['laɪstə] (Laisten) (Liste) list, hem, border, selvage; list =OE líste, semantic loan DE Liste, NED lijste |
18. | Lamm | [lam] (Lammes, Lammer) (Lamm) lamb =OE lamb |
19. | Land | [lant] (Landes, Land) (Land) land; country =OE land |
20. | Landkarte | ['lantkaɐtə] (Landkarten) (Landkarte) map =Land + Karte, calque DE Landkarte |