selected terms: 70 | | page 1 of 4 | | | | 1. | Ð | [ðat] | 2. | ðain | [ðaɪn] (dein) your, thy; yours =OE þín | 3. | ðanen | ['ðaːnən] (daher, von dannen) thence, from there =OE þanan | 4. | Ðank | [ðaŋk] (Ðankes) (Dank) thanks =OE þanc | 5. | ðanke | ['ðaŋkə] (danke) thank you, thanks =ðanke wel: thank you very much =OE (ic) þancie | 6. | ðanken | ['ðaŋkən] (ðankeþ, ðankede, jeðanked) (danken) to thank, to give thanks, to express one's thanks =OE þancian | 7. | Ðarf | [ðaɐf] (Ðarve) (Bedarf, Bedürfnis) need, requirement =OE þearf | 8. | Ðarm | [ðaɐm] (Ðarmes) (Darm, Gedärme) gut, intestine =OE þearm | 9. | ðat | [ðat] (das) the See also: se =OE þæt ◊ [ðat] (das) who, that, which; this, that, it OE þæt ◊ [ðat] (subor.) (dass) that OE þæt | 10. | ðau | [ðaʊ] (du) you, thou = .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, More… | 11. | Ðaume | ['ðaʊmə] (Ðaumen) (Daumen) thumb =OE þúma | 12. | ðausend | ['ðaʊzənt] (tausend) thousand =OE þúsend | 13. | ðe | [ðə] (die) the See also: se =OE séo, þéo, þá, þe | 14. | Ðein | [ðeɪn] (Ðeines) (Diener, Minister) servant, minister; thane =OE þegn | 15. | ðenchen | ['ðɛntʃən] (ðenkþ, ðuuchte, jeðuucht) (denken) to think, mean =OE þencan | 16. | Ðeuw | [ðøː] (Ðeuwes) (Sitte, Brauch, (An)gewohnheit) custom, habit, manner, usage, practice, way; (plural) morals, manners, virtues =OE þéaw | 17. | ðick | [ðɪk] (dick) thick, dense, stout, big, large, hefty =OE þicce | 18. | ðie | [ðiː] (die) who, that, which; she, it See also: se =OE þéo | 19. | Ðied | [ðiːt] (Ðiede) (Nation) nation =OE þéod | 20. | ðieden | ['ðiːdən] (ðietst, ðiet, ðedde, jeðied) (verbinden) to join, connect, attach, associate =OE þéodan | |