1. | T | [teː] |
2. | Taid | [taɪt] (Taide) (Zeit) time; (grammatical) tense =OE tíd |
3. | Taidbelt | ['taɪtbɛlt] (Taidbeltes) (Zeitzone) time zone =Taid + Belt, calque IS tímabelti |
4. | Taun | [taʊn] (Taunes) enclosed piece of ground, yard, court =OE tún |
5. | Tee | [teː] (Tees) (Tee) tea =DE Tee |
6. | Teld | [tɛlt] (Teldes, Teld) (Zelt) tent =OE teld |
7. | tellen | ['tɛlən] (teleþ, talde, jetald) (zählen, rechnen, ausrechnen, berechnen) to count, reckon, compute, calculate, tell; to reckon, account, consider; to impute to, ascribe, assign =OE More… |
8. | temeliçhe | ['teːmelɪtʃə] (ziemlich) rather, quite, pretty, reasonably, fairly =OE (ge)temian "to cause to be fitting" + -liçhe, calque DE ziemlich |
9. | Tempel | ['tɛmpəl] (Temples, Temple) (Tempel) temple =OE tempel |
10. | tieðe | ['tiːðə] (zehnte) tenth =OE téoþa |
11. | Tiejele | ['tiːələ] (Tiejelen) (Ziegel) brick, tile =OE tigele |
12. | tien | [tiːn] (ziehen) to pull, to draw, to drag = .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, More… |
13. | Tietel | ['tiːtəl] (Tieteles) (Titel) title =OE titul |
14. | timbren | ['tɪmbʁən] (timbreþ, timbrede, jetimbred) (bauen, erbauen) to build, to construct; to edify, to instruct =OE timbran |
15. | Tintrei | ['tɪntʁeɪ] (Tintreies, Tintreie) (Qual) torment, torture =OE tintreg |
16. | Tiuwesdai | ['tjuːəsdaɪ] (Tiuwesdaies, Tiuwesdages) (Dienstag) Tuesday =OE Tíwesdæg |
17. | Token | ['toːkən] (Toknes, Tokne) (Zeichen) sign, symbol, token =OE tácn |
18. | Too | [toː] (Zeh, Zehe) toe = .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; More… |
19. | Tophauve | [ˈtɔphaʊvə] (Tophauven) knit cap, beanie, toque, tuque =Topp + Hauve, calque DK tophue |
20. | toyn | [tɔʏn] (zehn) ten =OE týn |