selected terms: 27 | | page 2 of 2 | | | | 21. | interessieren | [ɪntəʁɛ'siːʁən] (interessieren) to interest; to be interested in =hien vor Gluw interessieren: to be interested in music =DE interessieren | 22. | Internett | ['ɪntɐnɛt] (Internettes) (Internet) Internet =inter- + Nett, calque NO internett | 23. | Intinge | ['ɪntɪŋə] (Intingen) (Sache, Angelegenheit) cause, sake, plea, case, occasion, matter, affair, business =OE intinga | 24. | Invluud | ['ɪnvluːt] (Invludes, Invluud) (Einfluss) influence, inflow, influx =in- + Vluud, calque DE Einfluss | 25. | Inwandrung | ['ɪnwandʁʊŋ] (Inwandrunge) (Einwanderung) immigration =in- + Wandrung, calque DE Einwanderung | 26. | Israel | [ɪs'ʁaːɛl] (Israeles) (Israel) Israel =OE Israel | 27. | Israelite | [ɪsʁae'liːtə] (Israeliten) (Israelit) Israelite =L Israelita | |