1. | waðer | ['waːðɐ] (ob) whether, which =OE hwæþer |
2. | wai | [waɪ] (warum) why =OE hwí |
3. | waid | [waɪt] (weit) wide, vast, dilated, open =OE wíd |
4. | waide | ['waɪdə] (weit) wide, widely, far =OE wíde |
5. | waidsichti | ['waɪtzɪçti] (waidsichtijes) (weitsichtig) long-sighted, far-sighted =waid + Sicht + -i, calque DE weitsichtig |
6. | Waidsichtihood | ['waɪtzɪçtihoːt] (Waidsichtihodes) (Weitsichtigkeit) long-sightedness, far-sightedness, hyperopia =waidsichti + -hood, calque DE Weitsichtigkeit |
7. | Waif | [waɪf] (Waives, Waif) (Frau) woman; wife =OE wíf |
8. | Wail | [waɪl] (Waile) (Weile) while =OE hwíl |
9. | wailem | ['waɪləm] (manchmal) sometimes =OE hwílum |
10. | Wain | [waɪn] (Waines, Wain) (Wein) wine =OE wín |
11. | wais | [waɪs] (weise) wise =OE wís |
12. | Waisduum | ['waɪsduːm] (Waisdumes) (Weisheit) wisdom =OE wísdóm |
13. | Waise | ['waɪzə] (Waisen) (Weise) way, manner, fashion, mode, wise =OE wíse |
14. | wait | [waɪt] (weiß) white =OE hwít |
15. | Waite | ['waɪtə] (Waites, Waite) (Strafe) punishment, torment; penalty; fine =OE wíte |
16. | Waitege | ['waɪteːɡə] (Waitegen) (Prophet, Weissager) prophet, seer =OE wítega |
17. | Wal | [wal] the slain, the dead =OE wæl |
18. | Wald | [walt] (Waldes) (Wald) forest, wood, wooded country =OE weald |
19. | Wall | [wal] (Walles) (Mauer, Wall) wall (masonry) =OE weall |
20. | walruw | ['walʁuː] (grausam) cruel, barbarous, bloodthirsty =OE wælhréow |