selected terms: 5 | | page 1 of 1 | | | | 1. | Tee | [teː] (Tees) (Tee) tea =DE Tee | 2. | Teld | [tɛlt] (Teldes, Teld) (Zelt) tent =OE teld | 3. | tellen | ['tɛlən] (teleþ, talde, jetald) (zählen, rechnen, ausrechnen, berechnen) to count, reckon, compute, calculate, tell; to reckon, account, consider; to impute to, ascribe, assign =OE More… | 4. | temeliçhe | ['teːmelɪtʃə] (ziemlich) rather, quite, pretty, reasonably, fairly =OE (ge)temian "to cause to be fitting" + -liçhe, calque DE ziemlich | 5. | Tempel | ['tɛmpəl] (Temples, Temple) (Tempel) temple =OE tempel | |