selected terms: 19 | | page 1 of 1 | | | | 1. | ho | [hoː] (wer) who = .tg {border-collapse:collapse;border-spacing:0;} .tg td{border-color:black;border-style:solid;border-width:1px;font-family:Arial, sans-serif;font-size:14px; More… | 2. | Hol | [hɔl] (Holes, Hole) (Loch, Höhle, Höhlung) hole, hollow, cavity, cave, cavern, den =OE hol | 3. | holi | ['hoːli] (holijes) (heilig) holy, sacred =OE hálig | 4. | Hood | [hoːt] (Hodes) (Person; Stand, Schicht, Orden, Zustand) person; degree, rank, order, condition, state =OE hád | 5. | hool | [hoːl] (holes) (ganz, heil) whole; uninjured, unbroken, undamaged, intact =OE hál | 6. | Hoolge | ['hoːlɡə] (Hoolgen) (Heiliger) saint =OE hálga | 7. | hoolgen | ['hoːlɡən] (hoolgeþ, hoolgede, jehoolged) (heiligen) to hallow, sanctify, make holy; to keep holy, honour; to consecrate =OE hálgian | 8. | Hoom | [hoːm] (Homes) (Zuhause, Heim, Heimat) home, native country, natural habitat =OE hám | 9. | hoom | [hoːm] (zu Hause, nach Hause, heim) home =OE hám | 10. | hoot | [hoːt] (hotes) (heiß) hot, torrid; heated, fierce, impassioned, passionate, burning, fervent =OE hát | 11. | Hope | ['hoːpə] (Hopen) (Hoffnung) hope =OE hopa | 12. | hopen | ['hoːpən] (hopeþ, hopede, jehoped) (hoffen) to hope, hope for =OE hopian | 13. | hori | [hoːʁi] (horijes) (schmutzig) dirty, defiled =OE horig | 14. | Horn | [hɔɐn] (Hornes) (Horn) horn; horn, bugle, hooter =OE horn | 15. | Hors | [hɔɐs] (Horses, Hors) (Pferd) horse =OE hors | 16. | hoten | ['hoːtən] (häätst, häät, hiet, jehoten) (heißen) to bid, order, command; to call, name =OE hátan ◊ ['hoːtən] (hotte) (heißen) to be called, named, titled Içh hotte More… | 17. | Hoyd | [hɔʏt] (Hoyde) (Haut) skin, hide, peel =OE hýd | 18. | Hoydkoyð | ['hɔʏtkɔʏθ] (Hoydkoyðe) (Dermatologie) dermatology =Hoyd + -koyð, calque DE Hautkunde | 19. | hoyren | ['hɔʏʁən] (hoyrþ, hoyrde, jehoyred) (hören) to hear; to listen to; to pay attention, to obey =OE hýran | |